Sunday, June 9, 2019

Hammonasset Beach State Park Connecticut

Connecticut was a welcome reprieve from the bustling city. We were only there for a day and a half but the visit was super chill. Sometimes literally.

Fun fact: the Atlantic Ocean is frigid cold in June. And apparently July. Nonetheless the Munschs were determined to get in the water. Marcus, of course, is part marine mammal and frolicked endlessly. I forcefully waded myself in up to my shoulders by letting each part of my body go numb before inching farther out to sea. I then managed to get Lucas in with a promise of his making “not to bug him,” for the rest of the day. Finally, Samus was begrudgingly coaxed in. To say that he was annoyed with my persistent pestering is a gross understatement.

That night as we sat around chatting, there was the jarring sound of someone rifling through our stuff. We quickly quieted and listened. After more noise, Jason barked, “hey!” and went to open the door. The next thing out of his mouth was unexpected. As though he were scolding a baby, he staged whispered, “no raccoon!” Then, he spun around for his phone and said, “I gotta get a picture of him. He’s so cute!! Also, he stole some Doritos from the swim bag.” For the next several minutes we listened as Dorito (Jason named him immediately) ate his bag of treats somewhere behind the camper.

The following day brought more “swimming,” sand fort building, skim boarding, beach frisbee, and board games. We ended our time in Connecticut with a beautiful sunset over the ocean. Sadly, and thankfully for his health, Dorito did not visit us again.

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