Saturday, June 15, 2024

Folsom Lake and the American River

 After our stay in Malibu we headed north to our campsite at Beals Point on Folsom lake just east of Sacramento. Drive was long and hot. We had a stream of trucks to contend with and was a pretty long miserable drive. But I finally got to eat at an In and Out burger so that was fun. Overall no real issues, the engine light came on when we were idle and stopped to get food right before we got to our campsite so that gave me something to worry about for a couple of days. Pulling the code it was a cylinder misfire. It was 106 outside and the car was just hot, not overheated but everything felt and smelled hot. The light went out halfway through our next drive so chocking it up to the heat or maybe bad gas. Anyway I’m trying real hard not to worry about it.

This stop is a pretty quick one, two nights with the only plan to go white water rafting on the middle fork of the American River. We booked a one day tour with Whitewater Excitement and it was a great time. Great group of people, if you’re in the area and want to do some rafting (which you should) we recommend you book through them. 

The rafting was awesome lots of class 4 rapids, I was worried it wouldn’t be as good as The New River where we took on some class 5 rapids but it was pretty close with a lot of thrilling runs. They had this miner tunnel shoot that I can’t believe is legal to send people down it, we ping ponged through the thing and came out backwards. It was quite a ride. We have pictures of us going through it below it was crazy! Then we had some other 8ft drops and got to stand up and ride through one called the glass slipper. Marc and I got out of the boat to take a swimmers rapids. I told myself I wouldn’t get out of the boat as it’s so hard for me to get me back in. But I was told with the guides fall back technique the smallest person could get anyone back in. So we jumped out I hit the bottom and swallowed half the river. I came up gasping. Once oriented it was a fun ride in the water. When it came to get me in, Lucas tried and failed, then Lucas and Samus… nope no good, with their last attempt my jacket started to come undone so they had me swim to a rock in the middle of the river and climb in off that. So I’m back in but this whole time Marcus is floating down the river. The other boat went to check on him and he swam against the current to not go too far down river. Once in he said that was the hardest he ever swam and was going backwards. So yeah I’m never getting out of a raft unless I fall out ever again.

We love rafting so much, it’s fun but exhausting. 

Us in the chute

Good zoomed out shot

About to bounce off a wall. Most of us look at least slightly concerned. Becky is just excited and enjoying the ride.

And I guess we’ll exit backwards

And pretty much covered and part of the rapid at this point. 


I went for a walk on the lake dykes, picture of the swim beach. It’s full of geese, at least they are following the rules and staying inside the bouys.  

Folsom Lake

The lake looked like it was way up. Was good to see California with so much water. Everything seemed to be flowing or higher than normal. 

Lucas came for a walk with me to check out the lake.

We didn’t get a chance to swim in the lake, that’s two stops with water now we haven’t gotten in. Not sure what’s wrong that’s very unlike us. 

Probably a good idea we didn’t. It seems the geese own the swim beach. Can’t imagine how much goose poop is in there 

Mac and Cheese for supper after rafting. Had to cook outside was over 100 again today. Camper couldn’t keep very cool

Drying out our gear after rafting

Shot of our campsite. Beals Point was a really nice campground. Full hookups, big spots, and well spread out. 

The White Knight and camper

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