Sunday, June 30, 2024

Couer d’Alene and the trip back home

Our final stop on our trip before we burn for home was Lake Cour d’Alene.  We stayed at Camp Cour d’Alene and while at our last stop in Fort Stevens I got an email about the camp filing for bankruptcy protection and the emailer was appointed by the court to run the campground until its auctioned in August. They really hope we decide to keep our reservations and stay. So a little concerned but we needed somewhere to stay so planned to keep it. With that we joked about thinking we have a place to stay the next stop. Later that day I got a call from them that they were opening the campground and wanted to confirm we’d make it. Then they mentioned no water on our side of the campground but we could fill up from another site. The phone call didnt instill a ton of confidence in what we were getting into.  But when we arrived it was a cool older campground. Rv sites were really close together but the campground wasn’t very full especially the side without water so didn’t feel crowded or anything, 

I had planned that we’d check out the city one day and go boating a day. The family revolted and the kids and Becky really wanted to go zip lining. So we debated zip lining instead of boating but ultimately decided to do both. I really didn’t want to zip line, I’m really close to the weight limit and who knows what I really weigh 20 days into the trip. After our race I was starving and eating like a horse for a couple days and we’ve eaten out way more on this trip than any of our past trips. Anyway I caved and said I’d give it a try. So instead of the town we went zip lining and it was a blast. I made weight just barely and we could all go. It was seven zip lines one was 450 feet up and 1600 across or something nuts like that (pictured above) and it was terrifying! We all had fun and some of the guides were locals and gave us hot tips about the area.  The best one was huckleberry sprite shakes at Randy’s. They were so good we stopped there after zip lining and after boating the next day. 

Renting a pontoon to get out on the lake was our next days activity so that morning we packed our cooler with drinks and sandwiches and headed down to the docks in town for our four hour tour. It was pretty busy that weekend as the Ironman was tomorrow and they had quite a setup for it a long the riverfront. Boating wa fun, it was a great day for it. First we went to beautiful bay to swim and then found the rope swing the boat lady mentioned to us so Sam and Marc could give it a try.  Then we spent the rest of the time driving the lake. The lake is enormous we saw way less than half of it. 

The next day we broke camp and were officially heading the 20 hours home along I-90. First leg was just 5 hours to Butte Montana for an overnight stay, then 9 hours to Rapid City. In Rapid we stayed two nights and spent the day with my Niece Marci and her family. They invited us over to swim so my boys had fun swimming and hanging out with her boys. Always fun to get the cousins together. And then just a quick 6 hours from Rapid to home, we booked it, just a mandatory wall drug stop for donuts (that I think only Lucas and myself were interested in). Then gas stops when needed. No one wanted to stop for food they just wanted to be home.  

Made it home without incident and just like that we were done.  It’s always an odd feeling driving into town. A mix like we’ve been gone forever and deserve a parade and also we were barely gone, no one missed us, and nothing has changed. Ah the trip I love it so and am glad to be home but I’ll miss being on the road towing our house behind us in just a few days I’m sure. Our crazy Oregon Trail Trip is complete. 

Above our campsite at Camp Couer d’Alene

Our site #48

Walking along the riverfront downtown to get to our zip lining tour.

Meet at there storefront then took a van back over just past our campground. Then atvs up to the zip line trail. Hooligans in the back.

Shot of the lake from up the hill

Before group picture, hope we all make it back alive

Lucas on the first zip line. He’s so scared of heights like his old man. But he likes zip lining. He had some issues on a couple of the tall trees but overall did great. Face your fears.

Becky coming in hot

Samus hanging out calm and cool

Marcus going on the second zip line. He was in his element he loves doing everything. He was rocketing off going backwards, whatever the guide said he could do he tried to do. 

A couple places we had to auto belay down.

View from a tree house they have while taking a break we were catching up with the group ahead.  Cool treehouse guess it’s shown on season 2 episode 2 of the treehouse guys. It’s was discovery show but doesn’t seem to be available on Max for some reason. 

Group shot while we wait we’re half way through.

Big high scary bridge 

Camper at Camp Couer d’Alene

We’re in the boat. Here’s Marc getting off it to go swimming

Samus abandoning ship

Shot of the boat

Rope swing Samus and Marcus tried out. They said the worse part was climbing up, it was a frayed wire cable to climb up and the rocks were small ledges and sharp.  They only went once.

Sam swinging in

Marc going for it

Splash down

Tubing time, Becky and Marcus giving it a go. I went way too fast to start her out but we settled into it. 

Me driving the boat. First time driving a pontoon. But I’ve seen it done a lot though, so I’m channeling my inner Brooks right now.

Cruising the lake. Marc just road in the tube most of the time

Finishing up and heading back in. Docking was the worst part, lots of boats queuing up for the dock and felt like a free for all.

Heading back to the car. Was a bit of a walk our collapsing beach wagon came in handy.

Heading home, at the Koa in Butte, just over night so left her hooked up for easy getaway 

Getting everyone out for a sunset walk

Sunset over Butte

There was a bike trail/nature hike thing right off the campground 

Becky and Lucas

Random rest stop on the way to Rapid

We pulled in and just beat a storm rolling through. Left an awesome rainbow. Double rainbow.

Swimming fun at Marci’s place

Always fun to chat with Marci. 

Samus was a ring bearer at her wedding. Dusted off the wedding album to take a look at 2.5 year old Samus

A few thunderstorms rolled over. We made them get out of the pool but then they pretty much played in the rain anyway.

Hailed a little bit so guess it’s fun to run in it??

Getting ready break camp to head home, Marcus’ turn for dishes

Wall drug, one last tourist trap for the trip. We checked and they still don’t sell pop guns. 

And finally the family truckster update. The White Knight did well on her maiden voyage. Handled the mountains well with its bigger engine and didn’t want to overheat too much through the desert uphills. One concerning engine light but it didn’t leave us stranded, we’ve been very lucky not to have any major tow vehicle issues on our trips.

Miles Driven: 5889

Gallons of gas: 507

Time spent in car: 129 hours

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