Friday, June 7, 2024

Hoodoo you love?


The next stop for us is Bryce Canyon National Park.  Becky got a t-shirt that says “hoodoo you love” and we’ve been slipping hoodoo’s and some hoodont’s into our everyday conversations. The drive day was interesting we had an appointment in Delta, CO to get new tires on the camper, they said a hour to a hour and a half but it took about 3 hours so we just bummed around delta for a while. Then drove the seven hours to Bryce Canyon. The drive was good, new tires made me feel better and the roads in Utah weren’t as bumpy so the driving was easy. The GPS decided to take us on a short cut. I thought we were getting off the interstate too soon, I knew there was a quicker route but had punched in slightly longer route. Lucas looked it up and confirmed we saved 10 minutes with this route so we continued on thinking as long as we get there. As we’re going things look more and more remote we see signs for capital reef but no mention of Bryce Canyon. We are in some remote looking areas and the road just keeps getting smaller, we get to a point it feels like we’re on a cart path winding through the mountains.  Becky and I cracked a few jokes about if it was easy it’d be the way...  And finally we hit a real looking road and some signs about Bryce, the 10 minute “shortcut” probably took us a extra half an hour with the camper.

Bryce Canyon was awesome we stayed in the North Campground. No hookups, the days were hot but the nights were cold so sleeping was good which is the most important.  We saw the sights, went on some hikes, and spent time just hanging out camping. It was great, the scenery was spectacular, what a gorgeous place.

Our spot #22 at the North Campground. It was a pull through but a little tight.  We wouldn’t make the curve so just went in half way and will back out. I’m looking forward to that tomorrow at 5am.
Our campsite it was a good site, we had morning and evening fires. During the day we had to sit outside. Or the sane ones did. The kids a few times sat in the camper and said it was better. We have a thermometer and it read 87 durning this conversation, it for sure wasn’t cooler.

Walking to our first hike it was maybe a mile to the trailhead from the campground but they had a nice bike path running through everything.

First looks as we approach the trail

Ready to hit the trail we’re doing the Queen Garden/Navajo combined hike

Becky and a tree

I took so many pictures everything looked so amazing

Selfie time

Family on the trail

Queen Victoria.  It looks just like her, they have a picture on a sign and it’s uncanny.

At the bottom and it’s getting a little hot. 

But Marcus is keeping it cool

Going up we elected to take the wall street route. It was a good call very cool to see and worth the hard climb out that came with it.

Climbing up to Wall Street

And we’re in it, was very cool. Scenery and Temperature 

We’re in it, group selfie time

Now the switch backs out, it was hot and the elevation was getting to us making uphill extra hard.

Yep walked up that and still going.

Made it to the top and got to see Thor's hammer.

Hoodoo you love?

Becky back at the camper in the shade reading. She’s already through two books.

Next hike we went on was a short mossy cave hike

Today was hotter than yesterday. Walking through water canyon

Everyone was annoyed I wanted them to pose fanned out. But I got the shot.

Moss cave

Very mossy


Becky really wants to get in the creek but doesn’t 

Me and my boys!

We took the scenic drive and saw more breathtaking scenery 

The brisslecone pines loop. We were surprised they had some you didn’t need to hike 7 miles to like we did in Great Basin. But it was underwhelming, I think this sad one is the only one left

Becky and Samus

Bec with her boys

Cool dead tree

Luke taking a selfie. It was hilarious, he just had a tough time. There was a challenge get a selfie with 3 of there seals and get a prize. They did it but were a little disappointed it was just a sticker.

Fire burns

Views just won’t quit

Marcus on top of the world

Marc, Me, and the Experity sunglasses

Natural bridge

Would have been a really nice picture without the Marcus photo bomb

Sam and a awesome looking raven

Ended our day hanging out at the camper. We have a big 10 hour drive to California in the morning. We broke camp and hooked up and will turtle it tonight so we can make an easy getaway bright and early in the morning.

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