Thursday, May 30, 2019


I mean, let's not mess around, of course I'm still sleeping-but only two more sleeps until the trip starts! Can you believe it?

After finishing up my long-term subbing a couple of weeks ago, I went full tilt on giving the paper house a little update. I painted out some cabinetry, spray painted a bunch of yellow plastic do-dads to their former white, replaced countertops with the gracious help of Mr. Stamp (who always offers to help once I'm mid-way through a project I don't fully understand and get stuck, with say, a sink suspended in a camper by a couple of bungee cords and a neon orange shoelace), got the bathroom door to actually close (I'm really psyched about this one!), hand reupholstered all of the mauve right out of there, put up some new curtains, and stuck up a new backsplash in the kitchen. I still don't have the feeling back on the tip of my right index finger from all of the hand sewing, but it was so worth it to rid the world of mauve! Gah!

When we started all of this five years ago, Samus was the same age as Marcus is now and Marcus was a tiny little person still able to ride on Jason's shoulders. Next year, Samus starts high school and Marcus is officially done with grade-school. In 2015, I couldn't possibly fathom the magnitude of what we were about to do. That first trip was so over-planned with daily meal plans, pre-scoped out laundry mats and assigned laundry days, and an entire binder detailing the trip day by day, paper maps and all (in case we didn't have cell service or we got lost). Since then, we've learned a lot. For instance, people eat whether there's a meal plan or not and the binder is now a two-sheeter. Also, there are no more paper maps and only one app is allowed for navigation, because as Jason likes to say, "a man with two watches never truly knows the time." Trust me, it applies to navigation apps too.

Thankfully, no longer is each day planned to a T. Entertainment reservations are made only where necessary, otherwise, we have only a vague idea of what the days will bring. I mean sometimes it rains the whole time you're in Myrtle Beach and you don't actually get to swim in the ocean or you accidentally ride the train one hour in the wrong direction in San Francisco and miss your boat to Alcatraz. These things happen. Crying doesn't fix it (we've come to this conclusion having explored it as a solution multiple times). Flexibility is key. Also, snacks are key. Munschs get hangry! 

This trip's highlights include: New York City and all it has to offer, Boston, where my parents will meet us, Acadia National Park and sea kayaking, and stops in Vermont, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and Illinois (in no particular order). Stay tuned for more details as I intend on blogging the whole trip. Oh, and to add to the blogging experience, Jason has been advised by his work colleagues/media consultants that we need to throw in some vlogging too. We'll see how that goes because let's be real--noboby likes the sound of their own voice on camera.

Tonight we will go to bed much too late and wake cranky in the morning for a full day of last-minute panic packing and preparation during which very little will actually be accomplished.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to hear about your adventures this year! Thanks for blogging them, Becky.
