Saturday, June 8, 2019

New York City Pictures

Here are some pictures from New York city.

Becky and Lucas on the Subway
Navigating the subway station.
View from One World Trade Center

Samus on top of the world.

View from the bottom
Ground Zero.  Very emotional.
Where do we go now?

Marcus and a sarcophagus
The Munschs take modern art very seriously.
Central Park by the reservoir
Washington Square arch
Hanging out in the park
Becky, Luke, and Marc at the base of the arch.
Best playground equipment ever... Wylie park style spider web in Liberty State Park
Entering the American Museum of Natural History
Lots of cool stuff

Old Navy to get dressed up for dinner and the show
Becky and Marcus at Nizza

Sam rocking his tuxedo shirt at Wicked

At our seats

NYC at night after the show
Lonely subway ride back to the WTC station

Here's a video of the family on the subway.

Here's my vLog entry for NYC.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for sharing your adventures. I'm not into vlogging (don't like it when my computer - or phone - talks to me) so I love that you're doing a hybrid text/photos + some video. I hope you have a great vacation this year!
