Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Fort Stevens/Astoria

Our next stop took us north towards Astoria. We stayed in Fort Stevens State Park, a huge campground on a former military reservation. The drive up was one of our shorter drives at four hours but was on the winding 101 so couldn’t relax much. Drive went pretty good. Becky had commented a couple times she'd like to stop at a cherry stand. Usually it was as we whizzed by but towards the end of the drive a cheery stand was smart and had a big sign “cherrys next left” so I slammed the car/camper into the dirt parking lot and we drove up to the abandoned cherry stand.  No cherrys for us this trip but we got out and stretched and took a bathroom break.  Leaving the parking lot to turn left back onto the 101 there were streams of cars every direction. Finally a opening appeared but it was tight so I took my chance and then the driveway disappeared, it was a huge hole that I slammed the camper through, it hit the front bottom and the back end really hard.  We pulled over at the next opportunity and surveyed the damage. I thought we might be broke in half but just a backend support was bent back with two of the three bolts holding it on sheered off. It was jammed tight under the bumper and we were too close to the road to work on it so pulled up to a proper turn off. I think it was a sight seeing spot lots of people out and about but we didn’t see it. The kids helped me try to reattach it, was really good we stopped as it was now hanging loose.  We didn’t have a bolt that would hold it so just removed it to deal with it at the campsite. So that was our travel fun for the stop just a self inflicted wound. 

Our campground was large but our site wasn’t very big, it was quiet and a good clean campground though. It was back in the forest with some large evergreen trees, one thing this site had that we had mostly avoided so far was mosquitos and lots of them.  Made sitting outside tough.  This stop we explored Fort Stevens, there were a couple old batteries and bunkers to explore, they were a little creepy but cool they let you walk around in them and explore without to much restrictions, until it came to the real old one they had all roped off. We saw the old shipwreck on the shore, drove down the beach ways, tried to have a beach day but was a bit windy. We explored Astoria’s shops and drove down to cannon beach. Of course one night we watched the Goonies. 

Here’s the pictures from this last stop in Oregon. We really enjoyed our stay’s here, what an awesome state.

Trees looming over our campsite. 

Shot of our site, it was a nice little wooded site. Oh and as you can see my little bump with the trailer it opened back up our fresh water tank leak. It was streaming out and with the old patches in the way I couldn’t get it to stop but got it down to a drip. Best we could do I think we’re leaking the rest of the trip. 

Famous shipwreck on the beach or what’s left of it

Going down to take a closer look

It was pretty awesome looking

The other end of the ship we presumed 

Becky driving on the beach. She didn’t like me driving I was a nervous wreck driving on the beach so she wanted me to pull over and switch. That only made me more nervous. But whatever she had fun at least. I think it’s the whole we really need this vehicle to get home angle that does it to me. 


Nature viewing blind

Sea wall on the Ocean by the Columbia River

One of the old batteries

Checking out the depths below. Creepers.

Shot from above where the whole is where the gun would be

Becky making sure everything works

Last shot of Lucas. Nice knowing you.

Marcus in the lookout area

Oh good Lucas made it out

Marc and I in an old jeep in front of the visitor center

Next battery had a replica gun. Marcus on said gun.

Ye old battery

Couldn’t go in this one. 

In front of the more modern battery.  I don’t recall the name. 

Old but newer

Trekking over the hill

Deep River…


We got ice cream after walking around

One goal in Astoria was find a copy of the Goonies dvd, we have two copies of it but they didn’t make it into our dvd case. The campground didn’t get good data so streaming it wasn’t an option. Goonies was way harder to find than we expected. We had parked by an old video store, I was a little nervous what kind of video store it was but walking in there were posters of new releases and it was like stepping back in time. Been a long time since I’ve been in a proper video rental store. Kids had no idea. They had it to rent but we wanted to buy it so the guy pointed out they had a couple copies for sale so now we own three Goonies dvds.

First day we just drove up and down the beach today we setup shop.  Here’s Becky setting up our tent. 

Wide angle

Marcus doing what he does.

Samus is flying our kite we picked up at a supply stop.

It was fun for a few minutes. Then it wasn’t. It was windy and cold. Lucas is bundled up trying to stay warm. The wind is the worse part sand is blowing everywhere. Becky tried to build a barricade, there was no stopping it. My shoes there were buried in a few minutes so much sand. 

Had to see the Goonies rocks after watching Goonies so headed down to Cannon beach. No way they biked here it’s like 30 miles away. 

Haystack rocks

Lots of pelicans 

Walking out trying to get a shot of the birds

Lucas on the shore

Becky rejoining our group.

After the beach it was supper time so got our name in and checked out some shops. Waiting for our table

Hungry crew at the Driftwood Restaurant. Fish and chips for Lucas, Marcus, and I. Marc and I also had the clam chowder, it was all great. Becky had some fish special that was the best fish she’s eaten. Sam had the steak and also said it was the best he’s had, which we find suspect but we were starving so as we alway say. “Hunger is the best seasoning.”

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