Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Munsch's in Hawaii (We're on a boat!)

     Finally posting some pictures of the rest of our Hawaii trip from last July. This years vacation is coming up quickly so I needed to get it out of the way.  I'll keep it short here and let the pictures do the talking. In Oahu we got on the Pride of America cruise ship to see all of Hawaii we could with our remaining time. The ship was basic for cruise ship standards but was nice to keep all our stuff in one place and we got to get a taste of some of the other islands. We visited Maui, the big island, and Kaua'i. I didn't feel we got to really experience each island fully but we didn't have that kind of time anyway and it was a fun trip. We snorkled Molokini Crater, hiked to waterfalls, cliff jumped, and swam while on the islands. We missed one stop on the big island in Hilo as a hurricane was barrelling down on us. 

    Lucas and Marcus had the times of there lives attending the teenager club Entourage and all the events they had planned for them. They made lots of friends and stayed out way later than Becky or I did each night.


Lucas and exploring the boat just after we came aboard

Docked in Honolulu

First night exploring the boat at sun down. Samus jumped into a game of chess with some other kids and then Marcus and Lucas joined him.

Samus is ready to snorkel

So are the rest of the crew

Getting in, Becky reported she saw a small shark as we were getting in. I didn't see it which I'm thankful for. I took my phone with and tried to get some pictures, above water turned out well

Under water not as much. Marcus double shaka.

Samus diving deep

Becky and her parents at the surface

Becky and I, floating around

The crater, we got lucky and were the only group there at the time
Becky volunteering for a show, I think it was battle of the sexes

Lets go chasing waterfalls

On with the hike

Gnarly looking tree

Becky checking out the sights

Our whole crew

Marcus jumping

We walked to three different waterfalls, this was the last one and the busiest

Ready for a night out on the boat

Here comes the storm, we were supposed to stop in Hilo, but skipped the stop and went ahead to Kona to stay ahead of it

Hey I have one of these in my office... It's little smaller

Becky and the boat in Kona

A famous house, museum, or something like that. We didn't go to it just took a picture

The famous Na Pali Coast

It started out cloudy but thankfully cleared up



The rainbow was a nice touch


Sunset from our balcony

The water got rough as the storm got closer. From the room you could watch the sky fill the window, then water filled the view. A bit barfy. This isn't a shot of that just thought I'd mention it.

We randomly ran into the kids while they were on a scavenger hunt so I sneaked a picture.

We're on Kaua'i

Another hike to more waterfalls... let's go!

Very Hawaii

Becky looks good in paradise

Samus and I messing around

Next target acquired

This is a good one

Lucas in the mist

Lucas and I messing around

Some swimming and beach time at the beach close to the port

Lucas choose not to swim. Lucas hanging out with his Grampa

Marcus waiting around getting ready to try his hand at surfing again.  He did great the kid is a natural.

Samus also choose not to swim but hung out under a tree instead of the beach umbrella

And we're done just waiting for our long flight home

The Grand-parents are sacked out

I got a good look at Diamond Head on the flight out