Sunday, May 31, 2020

The camper is fixed... but the world is broken

Well it’s finished, took nine months so just slightly over my original estimate but it's finally done and looks good.  And just in time for this years big trip... that’s not going to happen.  With the pandemic and all it didn't seem like a good time to go tramping round the country.  We've sadly cancelled our big western loop trip we had planned and are opting for a couple week long trips this year (I'm calling them the Covid Mini's). These we'll stay closer to home, we'll be in the Black Hills for one and for the other Madeline Island WI (one of our favorite spots in all the world) and check out Northern MN. We wanted to stay within a days drive so this seems like a good plan. We've went to the Black Hills on all of our family vacations before we got the crazy idea to haul a camper all over the country, but we haven't stayed in the camper in hills and the kids were so little last time we were there I'm actually pretty exited to go.

Anyway back to the camper, we finally have one camping trip under our belt so I feel it's safe to post and declare the repair a success. To finish up the floor of the camper we put in peel and stick vinyl flooring then put everything we took out back in and screwed it down.  Once the inside was done we refinished the rubber roof and replaced the fender we lost last year. Then after greasing the bearings it was completely ready to go.

Here are some picture of finishing out the camper.  

Becky enjoying the fruits of her labor. Below is how we got there.
Installing the vinyl peel and stick flooring. Was easy to install but we didn't read the package closely until we went to put it in and I guess it wants to live in a climate controlled environment stating to keep it between 60-80 degrees. Yeah right it'll most often be outside that range. So not sure how long it will last, we've noticed when it gets warm seems to expand and pop up in places. Right now we just stomp it down again, we'll see how long it last but it looks good and works for now.
Becky installing flooring
Floors done, now to bring everything else back in starting with the seats to the dinette area
Next came the couch and then finally the kitchen cabinets.
Countertop on
Started getting pretty messy getting everything finished up
And the kitchen sink
Finally finishing up with the caulking. And yes Becky is in all these pictures. She did almost all of the visible finishing work. 
And just like that it was done.
And now that we proved we could get it rebuilt we started on refinishing the rubber roof.
Becky, Sam, and I getting the camper covered.
All covered up
First step is spraying the roof clearer and power washing it clean
Becky power washing and yes she's in a boot.
Becky trimming in around the solar panels. Yes Becky was at it again. Needed someone petite to get on the roof.
It's cut in you can see the roof after it's been cleaned but before it's totally covered.

Roof fully refinished
And finally replaced the fender that we lost on the NJ Turnpike


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